Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:26

I'd rather a delay and then see what happens when we have to take part in the Euro elections - I believe the other thread is showing about 2/3rds in favor of brexit parties.

We could take advantage of any delay to have Mrs May and Olly Robbins tried for treason at the Old Bailey - will provide some entertainment for the masses.

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:27

And that's assuming Bercow even allows further votes.

Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:27

Hence why the question was framed "Which Brexit path should Parliament take next week?".Bercow refusing to allow the matter back before the Commons would be option 2 

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:28

Parliament doesn't listen to their own electorate. I'm sure they aren't waiting on the result of the poll. 

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:30

Your other predictions were the SNP would be finished after the UK Independence vote and that we'd never vote to leave the EU.

Will EU leaders agree to extending Brexit?

So will they or won't they agree to an extension? What conditions could they demand and how long would Brexit be delayed by?

Like so many things to do with Brexit - the answer is: we're not 100% certain.

1. If we are still in and we vote in the EU elections I think there will be large support for antiEU parties. I have a feeling the EU might also think that. Do they want more years of Farage and an antiEU UK?
2. The EU might be looking at years of the UK arguing and being in the EU. And at the end, still no answer. I'm not sure they want that. Their own businesses and planning needs some certainty.
3. It only takes one veto. Out of all of them.
4. There needs to be a good reason to grant a delay for the UK. What will be that reason?

Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:30

Well, as I have been posting of the forum for 17 odd years, I think one or two errors is acceptable.Which country do you think will block the extension?

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:31

Pretty major errors. Entirely getting the mood of nations wrong.
Who cares? But if any do I'll send them a thank you.

Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:32


Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:33

Somehow you get the feeling that the EU were looking forward to less of;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:17:34

Are you confused?

I want the EU to not give us a delay. I'd love the EU to deliver the UK's Brexit.

Hence here.

I hope they tell us "where to go."

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