Voting in the future
Brexit,How big a impact do you think it will have on future voters. Probably a blip to start with but then it'll settle down to lifelong reds voting Labour and lifelong blues voting Tory.
I have voted Tory in every local and central election for over 30 years.Will never vote for them again but then I am just one vote.There'll be a few like me but in general people will follow old habits.
Also who else is there to vote for?
Nigel Won't make any difference to me  How many people will be deterred from voting if they think it doesn't matter? I'm with Squiffy - if it is shown that you cannot engineer change through the ballot box then will people see any point in voting?. How substantial are The Brexit Party.I see that Farage is in charge but there doesn't seem to be any content to the party.
So unsure whether it is a genuine contender or just a means to get Farage voted in as an MEP.
Nigel hopefully numbers turning out will drop to a record low if brexit is not carried out Won't stop me and probably most regular voters. If it stops the sulky ones, they probably only voted in 1-2 national electoral polls, fudge 'em. I'm with nheather, who else is there to vote for? I think the content is simply to leave the EU. As for being a contender well UKIP under Farage were the largest party after the last Euro elections so it does have appeal.