Toko Black
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:01
Really ?
You dismiss my comments by accusing me of falling for a cognitive reasoning error in that I believe the there is a representational bias towards Leave voters on this sub forum because I support Remain ... and follow that up with the implication that people looking at the forum and finding it obviously biased towards Remain is the equivalent of my observations.
The reality is that on every poll, thread and debate we(the sub forum community) have had in the last 3years of Brexit discussion has clearly indicated (the poll results) - (the number of posters that have directly identified themselves as one camp or the other) that there is a demographic skew towards Leave* in respect to the general population.
Some Facts:
The Brexit referendum showed the electorates support as roughly 52/48 in favour of Leaving.
The Politics and the Economy sub-forum has consistently shown
The EU, are you IN or OUT (2016)
IN 172 vote(s)33.3%
OUT 268 vote(s) 51.8%
Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? (2016)
Remain a member of the European Union 73 vote(s) 29.9%
Leave the European Union 156 vote(s) 63.9%
Iron Giant also commented stating the sub - forum appears to be split 70:30 Leave/Remain.
Therefore, my statement appears pretty reasonable and yours just a baseless insult... or you have fallen for the precise cognitive error that you erroneously accused me of.
*purely an observational fact, not a qualification, accusation or judgement on the character or qualities of the forum or it's members(in simple terms - no side is inherently the good guys or the bad guys except in the subjective opinion of those that believe it).
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:02
Now there is the real TB...Still funny though, so close and yet so far off the mark.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:03
It really doesn't matter.
Cognitive abilities play a small part in politics, a very good example of this is being played out in Westminster. Emotions - yes. Deep thinking - no.
@Toko Black is a deep thinker and that aspect is very evident.
I'm quite happy to listen to anybody of any age if they have something interesting to say. If the age group in this little area of the forum is different to elsewhere - then OK, it's different. So what?
Moving on...
Toko Black
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:04
You are right, it doesn't matter in most cases.
I simply answered a question that was asked - "why do you think the forum is 'Leave Heavy'?" with pretty reasonable observations and conclusions.
My issue is not so much in the disagreement with my conclusion - but in the unsupported accusation of having a cognitive reasoning error based on vacuous false equivalence and then followed up by derision and dismissal inplace of any reasonable explination, clarification or apology.
It is relevant in specific cases:
The only relevance is specific cases where comparisons are made to the electorate.
i.e When you extrapolate the results of polls or general consensus of opinion from this sub-forum on particular issues to make assertions or judgements about the country as a whole. If that issue or topic has has a significant bias from the electorates norm and you do not take into account that bias, you will end up with false answers.
A simple example of not taking into account a bias from the norm could be of being given a half full bottle of pop at the top of Ben Nevis, then walking down the mountain to Fort William and finding the bottle appears to not contain as much pop because it has started to squash inwards.
It could be easy to jump to the conclusion that bottle has leaked or someone has opened it, if you didn't take into account the difference in air pressure at ground level and at 4,413ft.
It may seem trivial and pedantic at a casual glance, but a false conclusion based on not taking account of a bias from the norm can lead to accusations, arguments and problems.
Over by there
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:05
Confused now, I take a bottle of pop to the poll booth but only if it is up a mountain and not down a mine?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:06
Following last night's EU summit, the UK has until the 11 April to declare whether it is going to hold EU elections or not.
Over by there
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:07
73 seats for the UK? There must have been plan for these seats and I wonder how that plays in. Who would have gained etc. I did read there was a suggestion that they get rid of the seats but that upsets the balance or something. Probably upsets the balance of the expense accounts.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:08
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:09
It's empty then 
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:06:10
You're not a country boy then - It's full of pooh-pooh....