Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:18
It’s not gone unnoticed (see below for a small selection from your previous comments). I suppose the question that occurs is why do keep referencing polls if your own belief in them is weak?
It comes across to me as an attempt to stay ambiguous, so that you can use polls, should the need arise, but not be seen to commit yourself to them.
That may not be right, but there must be some reason for your repeated use of polls. Using them over and over again seems an odd thing to do if you don’t believe in them, and odd things invite explanations, do they not?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:19
1. I have referred to polls occasionally. Certainly not over and over unless I'm dismissing them. Even what you were referring to was all from six months ago or older. Hardly constant referencing.
2. I referred to them recently as TB were adamant they were valid, so fine, they currently show the Brexit party winning.
3. I have also referred to them when people say they show a desire for another referendum. I've pointed out they also show people want to leave with no deal.
4. Otherwise I don't think they are valid. At best they show people's view now. Voting happens months later.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:19
That’s because I didn’t sort the search results by date. You’ve used polls on many an occasion, but I’m not inclined to sift through the 875 of your posts that contain the word “poll” to find several examples you like.
It would be an absolute waste of time, because no quantity of quotations would ever satisfy you. There would always be some reason why your use of poll X wasn’t wasn’t really the use of a poll at all, or some other form of deviousness. But, for what it’s worth, here’s one from last weekend:
You can agree now not to ever use polls again if you truly don’t believe in them.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:20
Here's one person that has changed their mind about Brexit...  https://www.avforums.com/attachments/d48fxtcw0aiejvv-jpg.1143762/
Over by there
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:21
Adonis is only sorry cos it was spotted.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:22
So either from years ago, or me largely disparaging them but you can't be bothered to check.
Or you. You admit you are convinced but can't be bothered checking.
Which is the one I referred to in the previous post. TB was convinced polls were accurate so it was posted in response as a "fine, if you are convinced they are valid this is what the latest says." Which I knew he wouldn't like.
And you couldn't be bothered reading the several posts before.
I will continue to post as I have done before.
Some on here were convinced that people voted to leave over migration. Polling said otherwise and no one truly knows why people vote the way they do anyway.
Some on here are convinced, based on polls, people want another referendum. Polls also say people want to leave with no deal. You either accept both or neither.
Most of my posts have been how they are flawed. Hence a random search will pick up those posts.
Or the posts are from years ago when they were before the 2017 GE and the Trump and EU referenda when they were more accurate.
I have been on the site a very long time.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:23
Exactly right. I can’t be bothered wasting my time to indulge people like you. There’s nothing in it for me.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:24
Looks like those up North will have the opportunity to vote for Tommy..
Yes - the idea of having EU elections is working out great..
Tommy Robinson announces plans to stand as MEP
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:25
All the insults to him aren't true, but he's still wrong to stand.
Do all you 40 voters to Brexit really not realise it's nothing but a one man vanity project?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:07:26
Tommy Robinson is a one man vanity project, everyone knows that. Or should.