Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:52
Miller was trying to preserve democracy. Of course Parliament should be at the centre of our politics. Isn't that what Brexit is about? Miller did the right thing, Parliament should be consulted before invoking Article 50. Parliament should be scrutinising the PM.
Any sources for that?
I thought they were trying to crackdown on that sort of thing, but the UK have vetoed it in the past...? Any EU experts here who can shed light on this?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:53
Read what I wrote doh. Did I say it would cost me my job, no.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:53
Voted to leave, not doubting my decision, still think it is the right thing to do.
Would prefer a deal, but would accept 'no-deal', as far as I am concerned that was always a possibility.Nothing at the point of voting told me that 'no-deal' was not an option.
What I have been doubting for some months now is whether Brexit will happen.In fact I will go as far as to say that I think Brexit will be cancelled.We had a people's vote but it looks like that is meaningless because regardless of 33 million people said, the actual outcome it is decided by 650 MPs and 75% of them don't want to leave under any condition.
The only thing that has stopped the MPs from unilaterally cancelling Brexit is a lot of positioning - the main parties not wanting to come out and openly say "we disregard the public", and Labour in particular wanting to use it to bring down the government.
So I have little confidence that Brexit will happen.Whether it just gets overturned or whether we have manipulated second referendum or whether we rerun the original referendum, is anyone's guess, but one way or another we will end up remaining in the EU.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:54
If Brexit gets cancelled for any reason, that is the end of the UK. It proves 650MP can basically do as they please with no recourse to anyone. I seriously think there will be anarchy.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:55
I don't think it will get cancelled - the only ones baying for that are the LibDems.I think it will go to a second vote which will take one of two forms
(a) a rerun of the original referendum
(b) a highly manipulated second question
I don't think (a) will happen because of the risk that it might come out leave, the risk that it might come back remain but by a tiny margin, or the problem of the moral/ethical/legal fallout of running the same question over and over again until you get the answer you want.
I think it will be (b) along the lines of "do you want (i) Remain or (ii) Leave in a really sh*te way
A fair second referendum would be "do you want to leave under (i) the Withdrawal Agreement or (ii) No-Deal" but that will never happen because 75% of MPs do not want to leave under any circumstances.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:56
What if the result of the 2nd ref is the same?or 3rd or 4th.............
Derek S-H
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:57
Off topic - I voted Remain and have seen and heard nothing from the other side to make me change my mind.
The referendum was motivated by Conservative self-interest to maintain power and mitigate against the growth of the emerging UKIP, not for a greater good nor benefit to wider society.
We've had self-serving creeps like Farage, Rees-Mogg and Robinson given valuable air time to spout their prejudices - why would anyone in their right mind wish to associate themselves with people like that?
And now we've got Bozo: a man who will basically break the law to get his own way.
What a complete mess by a bunch of arrogant incompetents. We've all been failed, in all honesty.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:57
Sounds like the grey old corrupt cronies that rule the EU............ 
Derek S-H
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:58
And we're no different either, it seems.
Perhaps we have more in common than some would like to think? 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:59:58
What if that cost was the break-up of the Union? Out at any cost will accelerate a United Ireland referendum. Is this something you'd be happy to see happen, just so England can get out?
You go on to say that you genuinely think there will be anarchy if Brexit is somehow cancelled, but what about the anarchy if Brexit is pushed through with no deal. I appreciate that everyone looks out their own front window to decide what side of the Brexit fence they are on but the bigger picture of a No Deal Brexit will result in many Unionists/Loyalists being sold down the river.
As for the original OP question, I don't regret my vote, but if I lived in other parts of the UK, I would have voted differently.