IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:42

Voted leave, No regrets (too old for that nonsense) we are who we are.. leave or remain.
I am not racist, or member of any right wing looney tunes bin or against immigration.
Just want us to be independent, make our own laws, control our own borders and become an sovereign nation once more and how we used to be. The BS that came out of the EU with the threats and that we all that voted *Have a place in hell* said Tusk (who myself is knee deep in corruption scandals) before given a way out to become tog dog in the EU tells you in what you're dealing with.

I have said it before and say it again, if you're happy that a bunch of old grumpy grey goats, can dictate in how you're govern and wield their massive power and influence on a continent with puppets like Macron and Merkel in tow, good luck.

EU model will eventually fail, this is just the beginning, it was a great idea after WWII but it got too big for itself, handed power to those that could wield threats at others that wanted a different outcome. Making nations vote, vote and vote again highlights they always win in the end......

After cooking the books so Greece could join (Remember Greece market is like 50% black)
PWC were used to audit the Greek government records and highlighted this, this is not substanable in the future and loans will be reqiured to keep them afloat. Only half the tax is being paid in, something will eventually give. EU just went ahead and let them join, pressuring other nations in helping out.

This is the NWO!

Hampy1972 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:42

He was referring to those that ran the Leave campaigns without any plans on how they were going to Leave, not those who voted for it.

Hampy1972 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:42

No mention of the £8 million that DC spend on leaflets and that was left out of the audit.

Hampy1972 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:42

If only our parliament members had the backbone, not in the pockets of Brussels and with self-agendas we would have already be out by now....

History will not do them any favors in the years to come.................. Yes! Philip Hammond!

Doghouse Riley Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:42

I would vote leave again and again and again and again and again, think of it as a invisible slap on Guy, Juncker, Tusk and Barrier face (Viewer discrestion is advised) 

gamerste Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:43

No problems with our government spending my money, after all I voted for them. What I do object to is "unelected Johnny Foreigners" spending it. But that is obviously OK by you.

Wait until after 31st of October before you start crowing.

Doghouse Riley Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:43

Only unelected Jonny foreigner spending big is our current prime minister.
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.

You really need to look at net contributions the discount the UK gets,the EU funds that help re energise communities with said funds.
Roads and motorways were built in this country by EU money.
Some of you are going to be in for a shock.
But as long as you have a cup of Yorkshire tea (made in er not Yorkshire nor the UK)
And a garabaldi all will be well with the world

gamerste Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:47

Keep trolling still haven't given us any information or facts about your insightful posts earlier.
Load of waffle

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:47

Would that be the one that's a British Citizen and holds a GB passport  and was elected to the post using standard Conservative Party Policy?

gamerste Publish time 25-11-2019 22:00:48

That would be the guy born in New York currently under investigation for financial impropriety. Has lied to the monarch.
Broke the law thrice.
Is stirring up far right hatred in this country with his language and his agenda.
He's racist.
And is funded by some really nasty people who will make a killing on a no deal brexit.
Is currently being looked at for sexual assault.

But yeah him that bastion of honour and our Prime minister.
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