AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:45

Interested in your findings! Please don't find it a massive improvement on the HT5
I don't think I could part with my Blackstar, but have had a hankering ever since hearing the Line 6 chap make the DT25 sound so good and varied in it's sounds.

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:45

Trouble is, Andrew, that you and bilbo have conflicting interests.You want him to say that there isn't much difference between the HT5 and the DT25 because you don't want to feel dissatisfied with your current rig (which I'm sure sounds really nice too).Bilbo wants to find a big difference so that he can justify getting rid of his and buying the DT25.

BTW bilbo, if you do buy the DT25, will you get the pod as well?Do you have any other amps in mind to audition?

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:46

No, really I hope he loves it! Being something better out there doesn't make what you have any the less.

Bet that distorted sound you got was Americanhigh gain Foo fighter like Mesa Boogie setting?

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:46

Love my HT5, not in any great hurry to upgrade to the DT25, especially after seeing the Andertons video using the Orange amp with the 500x using the four cable method.

We're it not for already having a Variax, I'd probably be happy to stick with an HD500 and the HT5, but I may as well complete the Dream Rig as soon as the opportunity arises.

HD500 first though 

Christian 71 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:46

If only GAS worked that way, admit it you have been checking out those DT25 reviews too and suddenly realising something is missing from your life 

Not seen a bad word about the DTs yet, they really do look very impressive.

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:46

If the 500X had more knobs rather than menus and a screen (Pod 2 rather than later Pods interface)
I think I would have already caved in. But for me an American is next

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:47

Can't you just get a Pod 2, then?

Today I signed up on the Line 6 website and installed the software on my laptop, including the HD500X control software which lets you create new presets and reconfigure the whole thing.It's much better for doing that than the HD500X itself, and it changes the output sound instantly whenever you change a setting on the PC so you can sit there and fiddle around with new presets to your heart's content.It's still very complicated, and there are a huge number of effects available, and each one can be customised with several different parameters.It is all rather bewildering, but I'm starting to feel my way through it a bit.

Anyway, now I'm turning the pod/amp off and going back to Rocksmith to practise the SOTW!

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:47

It wouldn't be better than myZoom G2.1nu. Nor would it control my Variax or a DT25 in the future. I was just using it as an example of an improved interface, the GAK podcast guys had it as a pick of the week because many prefer the old layout to having a screen.

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:47

Probably best to get comfortable with included presets before making your own? I would be tempted to download those player presets I linked to though Wonder if they are better than those included?

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:47

True, I'm still very much exploring the thing, including the interface and trying to make sense of the different types of effects etc.It's true that I could just go with presets, built in or downloaded, but I'd like to understand how they are made and be able to create my own.There's no hurry, though, and first of all I should just find some nice presets and practice playing some songs.

In any case, I need to get quite a bit better at playing the guitar before I can do anything like playing for an audience so there's plenty of time!
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