Chris Muriel
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:02
Doesn't matter how expensive; nylon-string/classical guitars are simply built differently and fitting steel strings is likely to cause tears (and a warped neck) etc.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:03
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:04
thanks all
reckon she'll be tapping me up for another guitar then
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:05
already eyeing up a new one for me ! ...
Epiphone EJ-200CE Vintage Sunburst
GG Image
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:05
How' it going reevesy? The Epiphone looks really good, a bit elaborate for my boring all-black taste.
I'm still struggling with strumming. I don't feel it and I can't keep it going, even with Rocksmith. 
I'm need to go right back to the basics with Justin.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:06
If you haven't got one, maybe a metronome (or app) would help if you're struggling with timing.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:07
I can keep time ok with single notes and when I use the bass. It's the whole D U miss U thing that ties me in knots.
I'll take your suggestion using this.
Metronome Cifra Club - Android Apps on Google Play
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:08
Have you tried tapping your foot, that can help.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:09
Key is to keep your arm/wrist moving at the same tempo. So that when you miss the down strum in your example, you still perform the down stroke but just not hit the strings. As with everything, it's best attempted real slow until you pick up a feel for the rhythm.
While I'm here, 9s on an LP for me is a no but it's a very personal thing. By all means give them a try but I have trouble with the extra flex in the string making notes unstable as pressure on the string increases. Although that's mostly down to my inability to get as close to the fret as I should. Worst case for me is D where I just can't get my index finger close enough to the second fret of the G string. So I can get near a semitone of variation depending on how hard I press the string & it sounds horrible! I actually thought it was a fault with my LP for a long time until someone suggested putting 10s on it. //
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:30:10
I persevere but that seems to make it worse, trying to think about two hands and a foot.
But I'll work on strumming while muting the strings until I get the pattern to come naturally.
I agree with the arm/wrist movement. This is one area where I go wrong.
I see where you are coming from with the 9s and as I am a heavy handed novice snatching at stuff, I am inclined to think I'll press too hard and bend the notes.
On closer inspection and comparing with the 10s on my electo, they may already be 9s that it came with. Or maybe hydrids like the guy in the other thread pointed out?
The lower 3 wound strings look similar but the other 3 seem thinner to the eye and touch.
For the sake of a fiver I'll give 9s a shot.