Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:43
thanks for the reply.....did have a look on the bay
...sorta know what you're saying but if you cant play you can only have a look and a hold....seems a bit chicken and egg wont know how easy it's going to play until you learn to play?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:44
From what you said above about having a go on your daughters then thought you could bash out a couple of chords or why not take your daughter along, having a look and hold is one of the most important parts, apart from the sound of it and you don't need to be able to play as someone else can do that for you, it seems, at first a bit chicken and egg but there are ways around it.
It is a personal choice and it needs to 'fit' you.
My daughter recently was looking for a Les Paul as she liked the look of them and wanted to move up to playing electric, so had it in her mind that's what she wanted, so of we go to have a look around and the first one she tried, "Don't like it" wasn't comfortable for her and she didn't like the sound....she then tried a Telecaster...."Don't like it" was nice to hold and play but....didn't like the sound....
....Then for a break she tried a Mahogany Fender Electro...."I like the sound of this".....but it wasn't the Electric she had in her mind, so we tried some more and the one she is opting for at the end of 3 weeks looking/trying is an ES-339 Semi Acoustic as it fits her, it's comfortable and it's the sound she is after....sometimes these things aren't as easy as they are on paper.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:45
yeah I see your point
my girl keeps hinting about a semi acoustic
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:46
A 339 is perfect as it's about the same size as a Les Paul but has that nice sound and doesn't need amplifying all the time, my daughter is 12 and the size is just right for her.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:47
yeah my eldest is 13....which has reminded me of something....when we got her guitar there where 2 shops in told her she need a smaller size one...the other said a a full size one.
she went with the full size one in the end and has been happy with it ever since..
just to confuse things further it proves one theory of trying the guitar in the shop....but also you cant always rely on the advice!
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:48
When my daughter first shown an interest in an electric guitar I asked around what might be suitable and the first suggestion was a Pink Hello Kitty yeah some advice needs looking at , that's why I'd always advise to never buy a guitar without trying it in person.
Hope you get chance to get out and try some, it will be worth the effort, not only that but at first it seemed like a chore going and trying loads but it really is fun and educating, for both of you.
The Glimmer Man
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:49
Guitars are a joy to own. You don't have to be a rock god to enjoy yourself, and they're easier to carry than a piano.I'm left handed, but the man who taught me some basics when I was 18 was right handed, and I carried on that way ever since. I still play every day, but I can't sing, unless you want your pub emptied, then and I could sing 5 minutes before closing time for you.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:49
hoping to just plonk along.....if I could eventually knock out 'that's entertainment' i'll die a happy man!
hoping to get a trip out this week and have a look at some
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:51
well finally bit the bullet and ordered one of these
FENDER CD60 Acoustic Pack Black - GUITAR PACK - Reidys Music
loads of youtube stuff on it and good reviews everywhere ....couldn't get to see one in the flesh but for the money I'm sure it'll do for my needs
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:29:51
Well done and good choice, now all you need is to play catch up (No not a;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 ) with your daughter and some patience, enjoy!