Bursar Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:31

Here's my Roland TD9-KX:
Extra CY-12R/C as the crash on the left, and the original CY-8 is set as crash 2 on the right.

scottish nutter Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:31

gibson les paul standard, marshall dsl401 and a marshall jubilee, also a few pedals


marcbc Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:31

This is all new to me. All bought last week in an attempt to learn something new. I just need to work how to play it!

Ibanez SRX 430 and Laney RB1 practice combi:


Not in photo is the guitar stand to make it look more professional!

PJTX100 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:31

Ref post#6 back in Feb, when I said I was running short of space, here's how things have developed 


Seeker_UK Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:31

A Sequentix P3 - very nice - wish I'd bought one of those before they stopped making them.

PJTX100 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:32

I really like the P3, it's a great machine for the type of thing I want to do. And crucially its timing / rhythmic grip is peerless.

Sequentix are working on a successor named the Cirklon:


which I think is going to be even better, though like the P3 I bet much of its power will remain unused by me.

Never tried the MAQ, been tempted but prices still toppy and by the looks of it the way skip is implemented it won't suit me.

Seeker_UK Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:32

The most powerful sequencers I've heard used are the Zeit from Infection music and Manikin's Schrittmacher but they're well over a grand each. 

The MAQ is OK for £350 but it's not a (Moog) 960 replacement - as you say, skip isn't quite the same.And the manual's pants.

PJTX100 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:32

Cheap compared to the GenoQs Octopus. 

Had the Nemo for 6 months. Lovely to look at but I could trip it up in a heart beat. The P3 stays rock solid no matter that you do. 

Brad182 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:32

2nd picture is from when it first arrived so not the how it is really now and 1st is obviously and on stage picture.

Drums are 8,10,12,14,16 and 22 Bass drum.

All Drums were hand sprayed by tattoo artists in America  Love it. No better than DW imo.

PJTX100 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:32

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