Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:40
I've had a JS1000 for about 3yrs now. I have tried a JS100 in the shops but not extensivly. There is a huge difference in feel and tone though. The DiMarzio's on the 1000 scream and really let you get the most out of your playing. The coil-tap is a great feature although i don't use it as much as i thought i would. If i'm honest the coil-tap sounds a bit weak. The price of a brand new JS1000/1200 has gone up a couple of hundred since i bought mine which sucks! If you didn't want to fork out a hefty sum you could always get the PAF Fred and Pro installed in your JS100, or even just the Fred in the bridge. I think Joe uses his signature Mo'Joe in the bridge now, i've never tried it but i guess it rocks.
The one thing i don't like about the JS is the floating trem, i've never liked them! I'm in the process of hardtailing it at the mo, i just have a few picks under the bridge as a temporary "device". Mine came with the Edge-Pro but they've been discontinued now so all 2010 models will come with the original Edge, sweet.
There's so many reasons why i love the JS1000, it kinda just melts into your body as it's so light, the prestige neck is like nothing else i've ever played, it's fast, small and so easy to play. It's so versatile, you can get any sound with it, the pickups are awesome, sometimes it feels as though their active as they are so responsive, you can have the volume right down and still get a really crisp and clean tone. I've only played it through an all valve amp once and it almost melted my face, with a valve amp it really screams. Right now i just run it through a VOXAD30VT, works for me!
Anyway, if you did want to upgrade to a 1000 you won't be disappointed!
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:40
Here's a few pics of my JS1000, could do with a string change!
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:40
Not a bad idea - I thought about it before and never got round to it. I'd have to get someone to do it for me as I don't trust myself to do it right. I'll check out prices.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:40
anyone recommend a good site to order pickups online, .....for a good price?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:41
I've just installed some of these:
Guitar Pickups UK - Axetec online - IronGear Steam Hammer
Awesome pickups for the money. feedback across the web for all their pickups seem pretty good too actually...
Might be worth a shot if you weren't looking to spend too much...?
Hope that helps!
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:41
thanks for the link. Not heard of these, to be honest. Are they hot?
I kinda like the idea of getting the dimarzio satriani p'ups to go in my satriani guitar, ones that are really loud but also subtle and full of tone / harmonics
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:41
Joe's got his own neck one out now to replace the PAF Pro he used to use (and I mentioned earlier). Might be worth checking out. This site has that, the PAF Pro and the FRED.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:41
Even though I'm strictly a bedroom warrior, knowing myself I would not be surprised in the slightest if I went for the JS1000 ;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:41
They are hot & the output is as high as you are going to get with a passive pickup....I suppose it depends on what you play really. I went for these as I play post/prog rock & have a coil tap/split on my guitar (these pickups are individually wired - i.e. 2 wires for each humbucker) so you can implement the coil tap easily.
The HammerHeads are the highest output they do I think, but I didn't really like the look of them & I'm not 'quite' looking for the metal sound.
I'd never heard of them either & was looking at paying £90 for one Active EMG 81TW, just so I could use the coil tap, so to get the two delivered for £50, was a bargain in my opinion. I stumbled across them through a guitar forum, where people were discussing them.
I'm guessing you're going to be using a bit of distortion since you're asking about the output - so I will just say that they retain definition when heavily distorted & also have a controllable feedback. Palm mutes are nice & chuggy, but they are also clear when breaking into un-muted riffs.
As you can probably tell, I'm impressed for the price!
Hope that helps & if you want to know anything else about the p'ups, just give me a shout.
Finally I've found somewhere that I can talk about stuff like this without everyone breaking into a yawn with glazed eyes!
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:43
Thought I would resurrect this old thread!
New incoming guitar............
1993Plus Rickenbacker 12-string!