Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:26
People are no doubt cashing in, but Justice League #1 has already gone to its 4th print 
Nice cover too: A Fourth Printing For Justice League #1 Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:26
Just read GLC, not as good as I though it would be and I'm not too chuffed Hal has almost been forgotten about with Salaak having to remind Guy he's been stripped of his ring with a pointer to read GL1, seemed like a sales pitch.
Story is standard stuff and still worth a read IMO. Nothing special though.
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:27
Catwoman 1 is a mixed bag for art, very good in places and then rushed? in others. The story is ok, but then for me goes sour very quickly as Batman makes his appearance. If you thought Spock and Uhura's relationship was bad in the recent Star Trek film, then you will be throwing your batman pants and socks in the bin after this.
I had no real intentions of buying more than the first issue anyway, and with so many other titles clamouring for my cash, this is an easy drop for me.
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:27
To start with, the Batman 1 artwork is just sublime. Imagine the perfect marriage between Cam Kennedy and John Romita Jnr, and thats what you get here. start, with a nice little nod to Heath Ledger's Joker (...so serious..)
A nice touch to have the family legacy of Tim, Drake and Damien, and then to the dark side (reminiscent of the film Seven) before ending on a shocker -another Red Hood type storyline?
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:27
I read Batman last night and though that it was pretty good but not as good as Detective Comics. Biggest surprise for me though was that Wonder Woman was quite good as I wasn't expecting too much from it but it had a nice mix of mythology and superhero which was a bit of a change.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:27
Read batman which was good but not great don't think I like side kicks and I couldn't be bothered with cameos.
Green lantern corps wasn't up to much and I think I will be dropping it as nothing really happened.
I'll be giving everything a second months before I start the cull. Hope next week is better.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:27
Having read pretty much all of those available the first thing that is evident for me is its not going to get me into any of the "new" characters or books I had no interest in before
Ill be sticking with the Bat "family" (including The Outsiders) and maybe the main Superman comics and Green Arrow
The other titles pretty much bored me as they did prior to the reboot.Not a huge fan of "space" comics, such as The Green Lantern and similar
Loved The Batman titles, if they had not changed the numbering and hyped these up then there really is little difference and I am so glad they have kept Damien as he was the only decent thing to happen to Batman since the whole Black Glove nonsense and then the "death"
Great last panel to the two main Bat titles to date
Outsiders I was a little confused with. I will read it more as I like the Todd / Hood character but what the hell have they done with Starfire ? its like the buffy sex bot but worse ! very strange decision and seemed to be a real stereotype of what people think comic book readers are after
Nightwing, too early to tell.Good to see Dick back as NW as its a character I have liked since pre ponytail days but they need to try ang get the balance right of how he is not Batman
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:28
Flicked through Blue Beetle and Captain Atom and like OMAC I never bothered to finish them, that's how little they held my interest.
Birds of Prey though looked quite good actually, and I liked that better than Catwoman.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:28
I think that Blue Beetle might be worth another issue but I cancelled Captain Atom right after I'd finished reading it.
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:28
Not too sure about Dark Knight 1 - it just feels like one too many bat books for me. I would have tried to build an identity for each of them - I cant think of a good analogy on the spot, but something like Batman & Robin about the partnership, Detective foucusing more or cerebal crimes and Batman for the punching. 
This 4th batbook just does not cut it for me - I felt like I was reading something from one of the other books, all of them seem to concentrate round the Wayne building and none so far have been a 'year one' (Detective seems to be a year two) so in the words of the Dragons, "...I'm ooot." Harsh, but I have added a few titles that I never considered before like GL, plus on re-reading, I think I should have grabbed Batgirl instead.
Flash is one of those characters that I know little of, other than reading some really old issues from the 60's, but the artwork was solid, the story interesting enough so it stays on my list.