Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:23

I have nothing to refer to with Grifter, he is a new character to me and all I think is that he is some kind of wetworks assassin person?

I thought it wasn't bad, and will pick up the second issue to see how it goes. The first time I read it I was confused slightly, but then I noticed there are little panels that indicate that the grifter part happened a little while prior to the plane, but this was obvious anyway. I am interpreting his ability to hear the others due to the blood on him from the one he all seems to bea 'proper number one issue' as in origin retelling though?

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:23

Artwork = , last section on page 13, as the pair bound along in the snow?   

I have not read any Batwoman (did not know she existed ) but this seems not bad at all. I do feel like I am missing something though, the backstory about the father daughter relationship, and am assuming an obvious connection between
Seems ok, and would like to find out how the 'yet another person working in Gotham' is going to work - will all the other Gotham based stories acknowledge all the other people working there, or will Batman (as the daddy) simply say all the supernatural cases are yours?drowned sister and the naughty lady stealing kids.

dieeasysteve Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:24

I really liked grifter didn't think it was that hard to follow. I like story's that jump about in time. I didn't like deathstroke it didn't have any hooks in it for me. Not sure about suicide squad or red lanterns, think I will be getting issue #2 before making any culls.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:24

This second batch of DCs has stronger artwork than the first. I don't know this artist, but he is very Steve Dillon esqe - which is good. Again Green Lantern is not my usual read, and I only know him from the DC Blu-ray, where I quite liked Sinestro more than GL.

In this, the story is very good, artwork excellent - the full page art of theis utterly superb.

I like it a lot, and another to be added to my buy list!yellow lantern smashing the telescope just missing Sinestro

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:24

Massive Batman fan obviously, but out of the loop for a long time, but the number 1's are a bit weird as a Dark Knight recently already started at 1 (is it at 6 or so now?) and Batman and Robin is at 20 odd,but has started again at number 1. 

Anyway, just finished reading Batman & Robin. Can I get a 'brilliant!!!!!!!!' 
Artwork is fantastic, and if you are unsure about picking this up, simply read the first few pages, I guarantee you will be hooked.

Damien is the Robin, and he is annoying as ever (much like Azreal was in Knightfall) and if you thought Fantastic story, and if you do not add this to your list, there is something wrong with you  was gruesome, how about this issues ending?

FullerAwesome Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:24

With Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke I can only see Green Lantern going from strength to strength.

Green Lantern Corps is out next week and after spotting a preview a little while back, it looks to be another stong title. I'm still a little unsure about New Guardians, but I'm going for it anyway. I've had Green Lantern OCD for some time now. //

FullerAwesome Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:25

I loved Detective, so I'll be following that at least. I've always wanted to get into Batman but have been put off by all the Batman's and Robin's so never really got into it. New 52 gave me a chance to start, but again with the number of titles available I didn't really know where to start and I only picked up Detective as it was ridiculously cheap.

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:25

I think that he got his powers from when the alien/demon thing was trying to take over his body and he woke up before it was finished and legged it.

You'd think that with all of the Bat people in Gotham that crime would be at an all time low...

I hated Deathstroke at first due to his team members and was ready to cancel it but as that problem has resolved itself I'll be giving issue 2 a go to see if it gets better.

Agree with everything you've said there and Robin could definitely do with a bit of attitude adjustment

cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:25

The pricing on the #1 is now getting to a stupid point imo, i thought it was bad the other day when i saw Green Arrow for 14.99 but what i got in my inbox today is even worse.

Today on FP flyer a second print JL is 14.99 also !! *** first prints aren't that much on ebay , i doubt the second print has a limited number.While it is a nice cover i think too many people are cashing in on this, i haven't seen a rush for dc stuff since Batman RIP and Batman Knightfall before that.

Good luck to true fans who haven't got a pull list or are unable to get to a store on a wednesday at the moment.

I'm at travelling man tomorrow to pick last/this weeks so will see the state of things instore then but last time i was in they had loads of action 1 so if anyone wants one let me know.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:54:25

Well after not being able to wait and rushing to my nearest shop at lunchtime to pick up Batman 1 - as well as Catwoman 1 (and GL1 and JL 1 3rd print for a mate) I can say that Superman is going to have a bloody hard job beating it, suffice to say that unless Christopher Reeve emerges from the dead to read it to me and act out the panels, I think Bats has round 1 well and truely won 
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