The Kindle Thread
Exciting news from Amazon.3 new Kindles announced:
Touch 3G for $149
Touch for $99
And non touch Kindle for $79.
Quite cheap indeed! I'll be after one of the Touch Kindles for Christmas!
Thoughts? A joke perhaps? A Touch Kindle? Nothing on Amazon - whats the source mate? Try the US site. It was just announced in the latest Amazon show thingy, here's a link to the Engadget live blog
Live from Amazon's tablet event in NYC! -- Engadget
Looks pretty good and cheap, although those prices are the ad supporting ones i think.
Will be interested to see the UK prices. Here's the new non Keyboard Kindle at £89:
Kindle, Wi-Fi, 6" E Ink Display: Kindle Store
Can't see the Touch one yet on Amazon. Looks nice and a good price, that looks like the non advert one too, i'm sure i read on a tweet from someone that one was $100 or $110 dollars so a good guide to the price difference for the UK maybe. There are no mention of ads on the Amazon site.. be good to know how much the Touch will be. Very aggressive pricing on these, they're going to sell like hot cakes. And as much as I love my third-gen Kindle, the new models look very tempting! Yeah looks like no "special offers" version here, which i think i prefer. The US price is $79 or $109 for that version...
Kindle e-Reader with Wi-Fi, 6" Display Still no sign of the touch and fire on the UK site. similar front page add as the US site just for the new kindle only. Touch looks great.
I like that they are now calling the old Kindle the Kindle Keyboard 