IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:27

Annoyed that they announced it a couple of days after I bought the £69 one for £59

I'm just trying to pretend it's twice as expensive and not worth the extra 

psikey Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:27

Tried it in a totally dark room and found a setting of 10-12 ideal (max 24)






Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:27

More of the GUI would be fantastic! Looks like I have something to add to my chrimble list 

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:27

Oh, and how is it to read on, I understand you have not had it long, but does it appear to be the same as the keyboard but with the case light on all the time? If the backlight is set to 1, is it the same as reading the keyboard version?

psikey Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:28

At lowest setting it is similar to the keyboard without light except that contrast is better with it having a nearer white backgraound appearance. Not tried it outside but would say its same as the keyboard (excellent) with greater clarity due to the higher dpi.

I actually thought light was fully off but it is slightly on even on lowest setting.

Apart from right at the bottom edge where the 4 LED lamps are, the screen is very uniform in its brightness compared to an LED light on the screen from above. As a pure book reader it beats the Keyboard in every way but obviously you loose the speakers for mp3 & audiobooks which are of no interest to me. The Kindle is my primary book reader but also use my Galaxy Tab 7.7 at night in bed with Kindle App and an iPhone5 hence the reliance on Whispersync. Now I have this I won't be using the GT7.7 for night reading. I always found the Keyboard Case light a bit too dull and obviously not uniform, not an issue with the Paperwhite.

The extra photos you wanted. Some of these books in the cloud are my wifes so no jokes please 





Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:28


How easy is it to create a new collection? Please say, press 'Create a new collection' you then see images of books on the kindle, select each one you want, press title and name collection, press done and then six books or so are all collated into a new titled collection.....

psikey Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:28

Select Create New Collection
Give it a name

Then shows a list of all books on device but as text, not book covers but you can display them sorted as Recent/Title/Autor tick the box at the sides of the books you want in the collection and select Done.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:28

I thnk you just sold me mate. Looks like I will be waiting for Santa! 

ally mason Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:28

Thanks for posting! Truly helpful!  

Dave M Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:28

I'm glad that you mentioned that the light is not quite completely uniform as I got mine yesterday and see that it's a little duller down at the bottom (in certain brightness settings). As you point out, this is where the light "bulbs" are. So far I very impressed with it. Love the on/off "iPad" style case too!
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