Publish time 25-11-2019 04:31:52
I was thinking of getting a kindle but now I`ll wait for this one. Looks great, thanks for the heads up!
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:31:53
I have just got off the phone with Amazon UK and they have no news when the fire is coming to the UK if at all, they had to look on the .com site to see details of it. I left the call with 'well then, if that's the case I'm just going to fire this news around the web and Twitter'. How to shoot ones self in the foot!
Citizen J
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:31:54
Just went on amazon today and saw the advertisement for the new kindle. At £90 it looks too good to turn down, I may be tempted to get one of these near Christmas.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:31:55
Yes, I hear Jeff Bezos is holding an emergency meeting with senior managers to discuss how to handle your post and tweets.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:31:56
Don't so quick - talk about ripoff Britain:
BBC News - Amazon Kindle Fire to enter tablet computer market
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:31:57
But ours is the no adds version so need to compare to $110 so not that bad.
Read the Touch and Fire only for US.
Personally would only be wanting the Kindle as an e-ink book reader anyway so the base model shrinks sufficiently in size and weight to warrant passing on my Kindle 3 to my lad.
Got my pre-order in as soon as it showed on Amazon UK for releaseon 12th Oct.
Must have proper back/forward keys for me so not interest in the Touch as I don't bother with Audible stuff.
The 7" Kindle Tab appears great for the price but its looking like a locked down Android Tablet. Already have a Galaxy Tab 10.1 so no interest in it myself.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:31:57
Storage - 2GB internal (approximately 1.25GB available for user content).
>> approximately 1.25GB available for user content
>> 1.25GB
And no mention of any SD / Mini SD card expansion.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:31:58
Would love to buy a new kindle and the Touch looks great but can't justify it with owning the current one (and the fact that the Touch probably won't come out here).
Will be a real shame if the Touch and Fire don't come out here. Can't see why the Touch can't, we maybe can't have the ad supported version but we should be able to have the full pay one.
Can understand why the Fire maybe can't work here yet with the cloud browsing and support of the Amazon Prime streaming but it's still a disappointment and I hope they work it out quickly for people not in the US.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:31:59
The Touch version will be out here but not for a couple of months. You're right about the Fire, it's based on the Cloud Computing so it's doubtful it'll be released in the UK. I have no need for a tablet though, my mob phone does what I need.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:00
I'll be keeping my 3G keyboard. The £89 looks like it got
No 3G (no more world wide internet access).
No audio book / mp3s
Smaller memory.
Less battery life but faster (for reading my current kindle is fast enough).
They will let you archive read books to the cloud until you want them.