Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:51

A Song of Ice & Fire Collection - George R R Martin

Thought it deserved its own thread really, seeing as how there is a wodge of books and a TV series about them.

To kick this off, for those of you that thought about it and have no jumped in yet, they are in Amazons Black Friday deal, the first five books for £14.

Click the black friday deal to get the price.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:52

Deal back on today at 12:45.

pringtef Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:53

Yes, a good idea, the other thread about what book someone is reading now was starting to get pretty much a GRR thread.

Well, I'm reading Dance of Dragons at the moment and enjoying it so far, though hope GRR will be putting in some of his trademark twists and shocks in it before the end.

yazooo Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:53

Has anyone read the latest instalment in the series? Was slightly put off by the early reviews but I'm sure I'll pick it up anyhow to see how it is going.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:54

Back again today at 2:30.

richardb70 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:55

Yes, and loved it. Bear in mind, it's a companion piece to Feast For Crows so your enjoyment depends on how you liked Crows to some extent. (I didn't enjoy Crows at all first time I read it, but a re-read before Dragons made me appreciate it a lot more).

The negative reviews are mostly of the "GRRM has lost his way" variety which I think is unfair. Granted that the pace slows down in 4 and 5 but I believe he's setting events up for a spectacular finale.

cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:56

Don't forget a comic adaption has just started also upto issue 2 at the moment and its not bad.Not sure how many issues each book is going to get but maybe 12-20 i guess would be ok.

I only read all five this year pretty much in one hit and really enjoyed them, the last few did add a lot of extra chapters that may feel not needed but I guess they all add to the story in some way.And a few of the books have some *** moments in them that are great.

Smurfin Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:57

Has anyone bought the hardback, slipcase special editions of Martin's series?I'm tempted as they are my favourite book series, although it's perhaps a little unnecessary.Do these things generally go up in value over a long period of time?I assume nothing does unless it's signed?

On Amazon A Game of Thrones is in a different colour to the rest though? (black and cream rather than blue).

cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:58

I spotted those last month on amazon and have them in my basket for later but keep getting other stuff instead.

I doubt they will be around at normal price for long even unsigned but I don't know the print run but David Gemmell's last few were available in a slip case and now they are more than a standard hardback..

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:19:58

Last few? I thought it was only Troy - he died before the 2nd was released and his wife finished off the last in the series. Were any of those last two also slipcased?
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