Tom Cain, Lee Child..... anyone else simlar??
Looking for something in the same vein as above - can anyone suggest an author / series / book that fits the bill?Ta  Have you read any of Stephen Leather's books? nope - i take it thats a recommendation - are they the same kind of thing? Yes, Stephen Leather has a good character called Spider who's an ex SAS chap. I can't remember reading a duff one. Sorry - not been on for a few days; as JohnG says, they ex-SAS man, now in a specialised police unit. Not read any Tom Cain, but there's similarities to Jack Reacher. OOooOoooo....sounds good. Ill go and grab a book this weekend  thanks for that. You have got the usual Andy Mcnab & Chris Ryan books, but they seem to have gone off the boil lately. I can recommend Stephen leather, & Lee Child. I believe there are about 18 books in the jack reacher series. Vince Flynn - Mitch Rapp series Not read any of his, are they a bit like the above writers? whats the story line? Tom Wood 'Victor the assassin' series are good.
James Rollins 'Sigma Force' series are good too.
Stephen Leather 'Spider' books are good too, although I don't look for them coming out.
The one I do look for is Scott Mariani 'Ben Hope' series.
Just as good as Jack Reacher, IMO.
He's an ex SAS guy that specialises in rescue of kidnap victims.
He's trying to leave trouble behind and go back to studying to be a priest, but trouble keeps following him etc.etc.
If you like Reacher, you'll love Ben Hope.