Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:41
Not quite as quick but here deer rush across a road so they are out of cover for as short a time as possible.
Fortunately the one I hit was a roe deer, small enough to go under the car instead of through the windscreen. There was one guy who was driving through the New Forest and suddenly there was there was a stag that tried to leap across the road and ended up stuck on the roof of his car.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:41
Sounds like we need some kind of auto braking thingy rolled out then.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:42
Maybe I'm being slow, but I don't see the link between this and increased insurance premiums. Are we assuming that the default response of AEB is max braking under any circumstances? What are the conditions that trigger it? Does it moderate / modulate braking if the 'detected hazard' moves? I genuinely don't know as I've never experienced or tested it - so can anyone really quantify the risk of being rear-ended in the event of AEB, do we really believe it to be high risk?
In your squirrel example, you obviously had enough time / distance to identify a hazard, let the situation develop and react accordingly. So no technology intervention required.
Yes, a few - including advanced standard ones. I'm not sure what your point is but again that could be me being slow. Not every braking event is an emergency - but you should be prepared for one being performed by the guy in front of you and leave enough appropriate distance, irrespective of it being an emergency stop, half-brakes stop, or coasting-to-traffic lights stop. Not sure why this aspect is debatable.
Absolutely agreed - which is why there is a demand for such aids that cater for human error and misjudgment.
I don't think I'm actually disagreeing with anyone on here? Whilst a good idea in principle, AEB is an imperfect system designed to cater for humans that can and will make mistakes - and on that basis should not be relied upon to the detriment of basic driving standards.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:42
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:42
I remember reading a while back about a study on emergency stops, where they found that most people didn't get near the full braking capability of the car when applying an emergency stop due to not braking hard enough.Presumably an AEB would be much more likely to hit this full potential in the correct circumstances.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:43
Incorrect. "imightbewrong" did in post 44, no mention of it before then.
Please do quote the post where I professed to be a a "good driver" or better than anyone else?
Clearly, you haven't read anything properly, because I didn't say anything of the sort.
Its a shame you have to attempt to misrepresent other people's posts to try and validate your opinion. Still, if thats how you get your kicks, crack on. - I'll just know to completely ignore a any of your posts in the future.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:43
...and you mentioned ABS in post #43  no mention of it before then  I mightbewrong brought up F1 solely to counter your ABS comment
...and it's still only been a tiny part of the thread.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:44
I'll meet you half way.You brought up ABS, I brought up F1 to shoot down your "skilled drivers don't need it" argument.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:44
Be careful now, he never said skilled drivers don’t need it either.
LOL Did you you say anything at all @Crafty? I’m sorry if I misunderstood, please do explain why we don’t need it then?
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:40:44
He did
He just didn't say he was one, though it could be inferred 