Toon Army
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:45
What was your mpg?
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:46
35.1mpg over 428miles.
Edit; @Toon Army
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:46
100% agree with this .IME What make the biggest difference isn't maximum speed but if the traffic flows smoothly.
I find it annoying as hell when you get a motorway with average speed cameras on the roadworks at 50mph but the traffic generally seems to flow.Most people sit at an indicated 50-51mph and very few people need to change lanes or brake.
Counter that to the "olden days" when I used to use the M1 all the time and a 50mph speed limit with no cameras of any kind would snarl up to a standstill every few miles as someone tried to force their way past at 65mph causing people to switch lanes or brake.
It's really annoying if you're travelling late at night and the road is empty and you can't put your foot right down but life is full of minor annoyances 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:46
@mjn, totally agree, long journeys make the difference. Travelling from the Midlands to Cornwall. 260 miles @ 70mph ~ 3h45m, @90 under 3hrs, @100 2h30m .
Even taking @LV246's example; if you save 10 mins on your commute per journey, 20 mins per day, that is an extra 1h40m per week you can spend with the family/watch a film .
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:46
^ There's not much road in Cornwall that you can achieve those sorts of speeds on iirc