mjn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:40

And if i drive abroad? How is that taken into account on the MOT mileage?

If i drive on French motorways for example, i pay the tolls, why should i pay again because the MOT station says i’ve travelled 17,365 miles?

Trollslayer Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:40

@SElwell - your phone is the thing that collects data.
How do you try to minimise that?

SElwell Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:40

Not saying I know all the answers. Just observing, with cameras and other data collection, what is happening today. We are headed in the direction of more personal data about our movements being tracked and recorded. Once the data is there, what do we want to allow private companies and government to do with it?

@mjn driving abroad, gov aren't going to care, (GPS data could reduce tax per mile).

@Trollslayer difficult one, if you want the 'free' services of Google et al then you pay the price of providing the information about yourself, or switch it off and go without.

mjn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:41

Well, if they’re going to charge me based on the mileage on my MOT then i care!

IronGiant Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:41

It would require another layer of complexity, something the taxman doesn't seem that good at.You'd probably have to apply for a tax rebate and submit evidence that those miles were covered outside of the UK.Either from GPS data as SElwell suggested or maybe on charging data if you can demonstrate that you "bought" the electricity in Europe.

Trollslayer Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:41

HMRC have been underfunded (particularly when it come to computers for twenty years that I know of.
Add many government's record on technological projects and, as is often the case, we are saved from dictatorship by incompetence.

mjn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:41

Never going to happen 

Trollslayer Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:42

Yes Minister.

MikeIOW Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:42

Indeed....although my limited reading suggests a Police Force is pretty unlikely to go against their own Chief's guidelines (ACPO), I've read a handful of FOE requests (go google 'em) and they all confirmed following the guidelines.

As others have said, the 10%2 just means you *should* be okay with an 'actual' 78mph on a motorway (with no other restrictions on speed!).   I quite like 77 on the digital dash, nicely symmetric and only an actual ~73, so feels okay!

domtheone Publish time 24-11-2019 23:22:42

Seen them (circular) go off plenty of times when lit up (active).Peeps going fast in bad weather etc.

Likewise with the yellow ones on the side.I’ve seen flashes from time to time but that was peeps who were going pretty fast (90 ).

I’ve been past the yellow ones a zillion times at 80 ish (GPS) and nothing.I wont risk any more though.

Thats in Notts/Derby/Shef areas of the M1.

All so very depressing but hey ho, we’re a nanny state and nothing we can do about it.
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