Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:00
Mines gone up ~10% or £30 so I really can't be bothered to go searching for a better deal, since my current insurer was more than £200 cheaper than anyone else last year.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:00
There are a lot of older cars around here, I wonder if yours going up is cars getting more complex e.g. replacing a bumper will cost more because of all the associated electronics.
Even wing mirrors are more complex than 5-10 years ago.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:00
It's an 08 plate diesel Tug 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:01
I was meaning in general.
BTW, is this yours?
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:01
Nah, that's far more aerodynamic 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:01
But not as economical 
The Dreamer
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:01
Just FYI,
My lads insurance, Honda CRZ, as a Learner with Admiral, £534 - goes up to £3000when he passes! Tesco, currently coming in the cheapest at just over £900.
My wife's insurance, Volvo V60 (business commuting/pleasure) - £217
Family XC90 (as above) - £256
My (11 year old) Saab Convertible (commuting/pleasure) - £126
These are all (currently) with Admiral multi-car - obviously the Honda will change when my lad passes his test (end of Feb hopefully).
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:02
I felt my insurance was quite cheap (relative!) 
Average premium for a new, young, driver is 1.7K according to the booklet I received after my test.
I've just insured a 1L Ecoboost 125 BHP Fiesta for a smidge over 1K, in an area that's rather pricey to insure in. If I lived with my mum still, my insurance would be £700 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:02
I’ve just renewed with the same company for the third year on the trot. For slightly less than last year.
Refreshing for a company to provide a competitive quote first time. A quick check on a couple of comparison sites showed I could have got it a massive £14 a year cheaper if I’d changed. Not worth my time and the hassle...
Over by there
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:19:02
I always shop around. Never rely on loyalty, though coming back to the same insurer saying I got £x off they will often match it. Having the proof often helps.
But the small print is well worth reading. Some will say they will use second hand parts, some exclusions are not obvious nor inclusions and missing the bit where you can use the car to go to work is sometimes a trap.
I often work back from the website "Defaqto". They rate insurance policies (all types), I don't want hassle just good service when I need it.
Of curse if it is a £300 banger then get the basic.
Edit. On average my last three years have gone up a tad, last year was 20 on mine even with the chasing better deals.