New safety features from 2022 and 2024
Speed limiters, driver monitors to become mandatory in EU | AutocarCan only imagine the extra costs of this technology and repair costs outside of the warranty period!
Especially when insurance companies have been known to write-off cars that have had their iDrive and steering wheels stolen!  And the classic car movement suddenly becomes cool! Yeah they keep adding all these mandatory "safety features" at the expense of the consumer. That's the problem with all safety features, they are a complete waste of money for the majority of the time, but priceless when they save your life. Good Job we will not be in the EU in 2022  Wood for the trees Volvo are going to limit all new cars to 112mph.
I understand the reasoning for these changes, but don’t necessarily agree with them.
More useful would be breathalyser test to drive the car. That is included in the new safety features for 2022. Unless you import a model from another region I expect that every car destined for the European Market will have those features. Skimmed it and missed this. A fantastic advancement all round.