Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:39
On the other hand though I can see a few business people who might buy a lot of these really fast cars just before it becomes mandatory and then make a killing selling them at inflated prices on the 2nd hand market. Because they've been registered before the date they won't be liable for this 'technology' so might be worth a lot more!
To be honest though, for me, the reasons for staying in this country get fewer and fewer. I've been a proud English man all my life but I just hate the place now 
Over by there
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:39
There will always be a market for top of the range cars. Hobbled or not.
Look at vans, Ferrari don't make vans as such but Iveco, basically a tractor with no suspension or finesse and a Merc Sprinter. Poles apart. The only thing they share is you can put stuff in them.
Edit. In case people don't know, over 3.5 tonne and its a limiter from new pegged at 56.
And I have been passed by many that must have a faulty one.......