Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:37
So you saw an accident about to happen and you accelerated closer to it?
As above, think i would have slowed down.This giving me more time to react and more time to think.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:37
Looks like a multitue of things going on in that example.
lane 3 stopped whilst lane 2 was clear? They should have already moved into lane 2.
70mph or higher in lane 2 with lane 3 stopped? And paying attention?
The van was visible in tne mirror so I don't get the inference that the FM was driving towards the inevitable collision, or where stopped vehicles were supposed to go if they realised what was about to happen.
Over by there
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:37
Typically when there are traffic waves, I get to the inside lane. Makes three parts of sod all difference to the journey time but the wagons keep a constant speed. I find that lane three is usually accelerate, brake rinse and repeat. Leave a safe gap and some numpties takes it.
End game has to be enforced speed. This will be a taster.
No slow lane either, just the inside lane.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:37
If all the vehicles had these speed and safety features the van wouldn't have crashed into anyone 
Over by there
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:38
With enforced speed, heavy traffic, signal goes out 40. All cars hobbled.
Yeah, I know there are opt outs at the moment but it will happen.
But there will be a mix of vehicles with and without, for a good few years yet. And many people that will override and many that will not override. There are going to be some interesting dynamics coming out.
And there are many HGV's that are limited by law (and drivers regs) that would not want the highways agency to check their taco cards or taco machine.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:38
I'll try to answer everyone at once. When I saw what was happening and going to happen I had started slowing down in case anyone pulled out of the outside lane into the middle lane (they were nose to tail so something had happened quickly in that lane) when the van hit the stationary vehicles I was just about past the vehicle the van hit, its back end then slewed into the middle lane into the space I would have been in if I had not accelerated instead of slowing further.
It's very hard to put this picture of what happened into someone elses head in words that will create a picture for them of the actual scenes. I'm just grateful that my wife and sons escaped injury.
Its all too easy to be wise after an event that you didn't even experience.
It happened.accelerating prevented my car being hit.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:38
There's always going to be some idiots who fit tech. to bypass these things. a Ferrari driver has just been jailed for using a radar jammer.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:38
Then big brother will notice that the van's black box was disabled at the time 
And the CCTV on the gantry's will have captured you shouting "Yee-Haa" as you accelerated safely away from the ensuing carnage:
Over by there
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:38
Good. Some tool got caught some years ago, there were so many errors on the local mobile traps, they compared notes. Same car. Paid a visit by the boys and girls in blue and got done for perverting the course of justice or something.
True Romance
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:10:39
So when this tech is enforced and mandatory (and it will be) can see a number of car manufacturers going to the wall. Why buy a high performance car that is speed restricted? Can see everyone driving around in 600cc fiestas and the like.