tony kop77 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:49

Bank have informed me because I didn't have written proof that the money was refundable they are unable to do anything despite me not signing any paper work or being issued any paper work other than I made £500 payment to hold the car and I was told if I don't like the car once test driven it I would get my money back but because it was verbal and not on paper bank are unable to do anything despite it being on my credit card

IronGiant Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:49

Bugger  still think you dodged a bullet, think of it as a research investment in your new car .You can try chasing it but unless you want to go down the small claims route you should probably write it off.

tony kop77 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:50

I have written an email to the director explaining what happened and what I was told etc and left the email saying I would like my £500 refundedand not have the need to write a review about your company and put up photos showing the condition of your vehicle.

Only thing I'm worried about is knows where I live now and maybe scratch my car or something If I leave a bad review but I don't want others having money taken away from them like I have although I was naive.

Although I'm £500 down I also feel I made the right decision and will buy future cars from the garage I purchased the scirroco from although I keep cars for at least 5 years and with it being 6 years old and done 60,000 miles I don't see any reason to change it anytime soon. Thanks again guys

AMc Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:50

They would have to do the work to sell the car regardless - the cost of the MOT is minimal and they still get the benefit of most of it.
I don't think that they have a leg to stand on with keeping your money, especially as they have no signed contract from you and have supplied no goods or services.
I would press back at your card issuer and as you have done with the garage.
If you get no joy I'd put in a small claims court case - pretty cheap and simple and hard to see how they could defend it.
I think they're trying it on hoping you'll go away and they can keep your money.

tony kop77 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:50

Thanks for your help. I searched online and seems garages don't have to give money back if you give them any money unless you had not been to see the car in person.
I was naive thinking I could put down some money and if I didn't like it after test driving it I would get it back. I shouldn't have left them with any money especially with the state it was in but as I said I wasn't thinking as I needed a car I had been looking for 3 weeks and panicking as I had to take hire car back the following day.
I should have had it in writing that the money was refundable according to online searching and if the garage say it is refundable then don't believe them. I don't know how the garage could have the car for sale in that condition. I would have walked away had I not been so desperate for a car. I will post pics of mot and other damages to car see if I could about getting money back another way. I don't know how to post multiple pics into one post so will do them over a few posts

tony kop77 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:50

tony kop77 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:51

tony kop77 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:51

tony kop77 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:51

zeppelino Publish time 24-11-2019 22:56:51

Crikey. That’s some list of failings.
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