ashenfie Publish time 24-11-2019 22:41:50

The diagnostic port no longer send the info. To program new keys. That route is blocked from around 2015.

New keys are very to cut these days.

New keyless system have keys that go to sleep and therefore harder to find by theives.

Still leave the car inside unlock button the easiest way to unlock the car.

The house hold letter box the easy to steal the keys.

IronGiant Publish time 24-11-2019 22:41:51

They'd need some sort of Russian water tentacle in our house 

ashenfie Publish time 24-11-2019 22:41:52

Thinks called a drone these days lol

MrM Publish time 24-11-2019 22:41:53

I don't understand why people continue to give advice to secure our keys in your proprty to prevent signal relay theft.

If you're insured fully comprehensive, I'd much rather make a claim, and be impacted through my premiums than risk having my home broken into and family distubred or hurt.

The insurance will cover these scenarios every time under a FC policy.

Furthermore, the number of high value cars stolen from driveways, that are unprotected is shocking.

For as little as £500 up to £a few K you can have bollards installed, some manual, some automatic that rise from the ground on a timed event, or when they detect motion.

£100,000 car stolen off an open driveway, bloody stupidity.

imightbewrong Publish time 24-11-2019 22:41:53

Every idiot has their car stolen by this exploit is going to push up the policies for people who have sensible car key systems.I'm still seeing it on my FB feed 'my car was stolen from my drive by some guy in an encounter suit with a £5 thing of ebay' - sort it out people!If I ran an insurance company I wouldn't insure these things.
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