Mr Incredible
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:43
I posted earlier that I don't mind spending the time and money on doing detailing myself provided it's done atop a "proper" job.
To that end, and after speaking with Jay at Miglior Detailing I've decided to get the new vehicle prep done with them.He was insistent that the vehicle is not washed by the dealer otherwise there could be another £200 on top of the standard cost to sort out the mess that the dealer makes!He was very clear about this and told me to instruct the dealer and that if they did wash the car, I would reserve the right to reject it or require the dealer to pay for the additional remedial work.
I've asked for the Gtechniq wheel protector to be applied as an "extra".I think £359 is probably a better investment with Miglior than with a £350 Diamond Bright application at the dealers!
It does mean of course I'll be driving my new vehicle in somewhat of a state, but hey, I think it's worth the wait.
Car is probably due in the dealers late Thursday, so my plan is to pick up on Monday and drop it off at Miglior the same day and get the train home.
How would my shopping list change if Miglior do their stuff first?Are we just talking "maintenance" for a while?
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:43
Depending on your mileage and where you drive, it will depend, but you should just need to topup his good work.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:44
As well as verbally asking that the car is not cleaned at the dealers its worth writing a polite 'Please do not clean this car' note for any future dealer visits and leaving it on the dash for peace of mind. 
Mr Incredible
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:44
I suppose Jay will be able to advise of the top up regime!
Mr Incredible
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:44
Jay did ask I do that as well, which I have done in an email and they have already responded.The sales guy has to check with the manager because Audi have "standards" about how a vehicle is to be handed over to the customer.But he seems to think that I may be able to accept and sign for delivery "without cleaning".
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:45
Their Aberdeen dealer didn't get the memo!
My Akoya silver A3 came covered in these tiny little orange spots.
Like pinpricks of rust.
They said it was improperly removed delivery wax?
I just handed it back and said "not having it"
This was before I was into cleaning cars myself.
Mr Incredible
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:45
Jay said one of the problems is when the cars are transported via rail because the brakes on the train throw off a whole load of crap, and even small specs which you may think would be like iron filings as they go rusty as well.Maybe its that what you saw?Orange/rusty crap!
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:45
Iron filings was certainly my impression.
I got it back in top nick, but still disappointing to 'postpone' delivery of a new car.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:45
Maybe a little late now but can't jay go to the dealer and prep the car there for you?
Audi, Halesowen let me do this. The salesman sorted it out with the manager of the dealership. I guess no every dealership will be happy with you doing this but if you're spending good money they usually bend over backwards for you until you've took the keys and signed the papers!
Mr Incredible
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:32:46
Well, Audi are refusing to not wash the vehicle.I spoke with Jay and he says he's done work for them before and it's "nonsense" what I'm being told.He's going to call them to thrash it out.
As the wheels will be taken off to apply the Gtechniq coating, I think Jay is probably best doing that in his own shop rather than at the dealer.Jay reckons it's normally about 7 hours work for a standard new car prep, but with the wheels coming off he reckons he can do it all in the day but probably won't be ready to pick up until about 7:00 PM.