Monty Nine
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:05
No, for the first 20 seconds he was correctly in the right hand lane as he could see the red/white truck he was about to pass.
Plus there is a blue vehicle joining from a side road so again the left hand lane is best left free.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:05
Tried to watch this ended up fixated with the dancing flower i need one!
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:06
I must admit I did cringe a bit at the slow rate at which you passed the minibus, I felt you should have been more positive with your overtake, rather than potentially "trapping" the Transit behind the car transporter.
I too sometimes drive, correctly, at no more than the posted limit, and it can be frustrating if someone overtakes me at perhaps 2-3 mph faster than me, with a vehicle ahead of me, leaving me with nowhere to go, except to brake, of course.
What the Transit driver should have done (FZR mode here ) is to ease off and let you complete your manoeuvre. I do agree that what he did was dangerous and wrong, but I do think you should have anticipated what was likely to happen .
The dash-cam only looks ahead, you can look ahead, left, right and behind and react accordingly 
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:07
I agree the minibus driver was at fault. We don't know whether he saw you or not but it annoys the hell out of me when someone overtakes me and then slows down alongside- especially if there is something that I want to overtake. IMO you could have been a bit more "aggressive" in your overtake to at least get a full car length in front of him- you then are confident he's seen you.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:08
Why should anyone have to stay at the speed limit right to the point where they have to mash the brake pedal into the carpet at every roundabout and junction? The most economical, and least stressful on the vehicle's mechanicals, is to ease off in sufficient time to arrive at the junction at the correct speed to traverse it.
Of course the only way a modern minibus with a speed limiter fitted is going to make progress over faster vehicles, is to maintain its maximum limited speed as long as possible. Sometimes the well-intentioned dumbasses involved in controlling our lives make things more dangerous.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:09
It did imo seem as though you slowed down quite early as indicated by the transporter being limited to 56mph and you matching its speed a long way before the roundabout and with more than enough time to pass and then slow for the roundabout.
That said the minibus move was a bit reckless and unless he was turning right at the roundabout, it could have remained in the same lane.
True Romance
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:09
Just come back up the M1 and wished I had a dash cam fitted to the hire car. Saw two quad bikes enter the M1, these were off road bikes. No lights, number plates etc. Pulled in just in front of us and then decided it would be great fun to pull a wheelie while riding down the motorway  Just when you think you've seen it all 
Oh dont start me on the number of middle lane hoggers, so much for the police crack down on this.
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:10
What police? Traffic police cars are rarer than hens teeth nowadays.
True Romance
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:11
Caught a load of bloody Canadians that just walked out into the road!
Publish time 24-11-2019 22:29:12
Motorists using dash cams to inform on dodgy drivers - Motorists using dash cams to inform on dodgy drivers - BBC News