This is my first official online review to a movie and this is the first movie of Steven Universe. I know that this movie has flaws and some of you don't like it. The movie started with a majestic intro like the one you can see in some of the Disney movies.
Some people said that the song and music of the movie is too much, but for me as a singer and a music lover it's actually pretty enough and it goes all over my head after I watched the movie.
You just need to love and adore this movie, cause why not?
Our reviews matter and the chance of getting new seasons is in our hands. The crew get's a lot of inspiration from our reviews.
The Steven Universe crew improved from time to time and it's awesome that they got their first movie and I hope for many seasons to come.
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score 10/10
oppanarry 14 September 2019
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw5119854/ |