Over the river into Arkensas.
Then a 2hr drive to Little Rock. Booked in to the downtown Hampton Inn. Got a nice suite for $120, so much cheaper than lat years trip.
This is a great thread, thanks for taking the time to create it.
I remember a few years back driving from Chicago to Palm Beach Florida, with an overnight stop.
The satisfaction and relief when I hit the Florida border was palpable, then the reality hit of another 5 or so hours driving south through the state (which was the part I'd forgotten about)
Took a stroll around the River Market District. Found an Indian cafe in the indoor market for lunch. A pleasant change from the fried food.
Walked across the bridge.
To the submarine on the other bank.
I overheard a guy at the hotel bar who had driven up from Louisiana. The weather was pretty bad with lightning and heavy rain. That puts to rest my regrets about not reaching New Orleans.
Forgot to mention that we were woken in the night at Memphis by the room gently shaking. Saw on the news the next morning that there had been a small quake in Oklahoma, minimal damage.
Heading NW after breakfast towards the lakes and forrests in the Ozark region. Tomorrow is Labor Day (bank holiday) so it could get a bit busy.
Took just over an hour to reach Petit Jean Park which is up in the hills, roads were clear.
Stretched our legs at the overlook.
Tried to get a room there but the lodge was fully booked.
So headed north to a place I saw on Google maps.
The road through the Ozark Forest was bends and hills for miles.
By the time we got to Table Rock on the lake we'd had enough.
Stretched our legs again and watched the showboat pull away. A proper paddle boat.
Tapped hotel into the satnav and drove to a Hampton Inn at Branson Missouri, luckily they had a room.
Tried downtown for dinner but all the parking was full, the restaurant we managed to get to was queuing out of the door. So we ended up in a Wendy's which was empty. For good reason as it turned out.
Guinness and wine from Walmart ends the day.
North on the interstate. Fast and nose to tail with bank holiday folk heading home. Saw 2 accidents in the first 20 mile so took the slow route.
Stumbled across a watering hole so parked under the bridge and took a stroll.