I'm pleasantly surprised at the cost of fuel and accommodation so far. Around $2.30 per gallon for the middle grade and around $120 for a room at HI/Hampton. Last night was $200 which is good for downtown.
Up at the cracks again, not adjusted yet.
Headed towards Memphis on the interstate, then into Alabama for a while to tick that one of the list.
Had a break at Savanna TN. Took a look around the small civil war museum there.
Next stop Shiloh National Military Park. The site of a civil war battle. Museum, lots of memorials and cemetery. Done in the car with about 20 places to stop.
Interesting but very sad.
Had enough today and Julie needs some pool time so pulled in to a HI at Corinth MS, About 90mins from Memphis.
Loving the pic's again mate . Was just thinking I better check the holiday threads to see if you had another trip planned. Seems you've gone early this year? anyway keep the posts coming.
Thanks mate, same time as last year as it happens.
Had a walk around downtown then took the monorail over to Mud Island.
There's a detailed model of the river, maybe a quarter mile start to finish.
Part of it from the monorail station.
This is probably as close to New Orleans as well get. It's at least 400mi each way from here and the hurricane in Florida has effected the weather in that region. So it's a pass this time.
Next on the todo list is a paddle boat on the Mississippi. Interesting commentry along the way.
The Eagle eyed will notice the lack of drive/gear box
Shared catfish, ribs and burger last night, might try something a bit lighter tonight.
Live band at the Hard Rock Cafe.
Friday night is busier.
The street is totally shut down by 9 cop cars and fire engine.
This allows the whole of Beale Street to become one big bar. Every bar has counter on the street where you can get a beer and walk along the street.
My phone can't capture it but there's a team of guys doing back flips from one end of the road to the other.