I've been looking been at the photos of your four clusters of 'dead pixels' They look more like thunder flies, as opposed to dead pixels, that have crawled into the space between the LCD panel and the backlight and conveniently died. I've had them in every LCD / LED I've owned. These insects swarm, usually hot and humid summer days, there's not a lot you can do to prevent them. They are attracted to the light and short of not using your tv on those days, there isn't much you can do to stop them. Even with the tv off, they can still find their way in.
They were pretty much the reason I switched to OLED. They can't get into the screen (well, not so far )
You'll get great blacks with an OLED and consistent light levels, but even so there is still the chance that your OLED panel could exhibit banding in low level light scenes. And then there is the worry of image retention and / or screen burn. It was never this stressful owning a CRT TV. |