Pioneer Elite PRO151FHD 60" plasma with Premier Mount AM3 Articulating Arm
Oppo 95 with the Reference Tube Modification upgrade by ModWright Instrumants BluRay/Universal Player with Marigo Labs MYSTERY FEET under unit.
Boulder 1060 Amplifier
Boulder 1012 DA/PreAmplifier with Marigo Labs MYSTERY FEET under unit.
Synergistic Research TESLA PowerCell 10SE - power conditioner
Purist Audio Design ANNIVERSARY interconnects.
Purist Audio Design - PROTEUS PROVECTUS XLR - Digital interconnect.
Purist Audio Design CANORUS power cords on the preamp and transport.
Synergistic Research - T3, and Precision Reference active power cords
Purist Audio Design ANNIVERSARY - speaker cables.
GIK Acoustic Wall Panels
For power, I have (4) dedicated power lines using cryo-treated 10ga wire directly from the circuit breaker box to (4) Synergistic Research TESLA-PLEX cryo'd wall outlets.
Office/Desktop - Computer Audio System :
Dynaudio Contour S1.4 speakers
ESOTERIC RZ-1 Preamp/Amp/DA Convertor
Apple MAC PRO computer
Music utilizing I-Tunes via Apple Lossless AIFF encoder
A truly incredible system!!!! Just drooling over the EA MM3. My #1 dream speaker. But I'm sure that it'll always stay that way as I can't see how I'll ever have the funds for them. My thanks for sharing the pics and letting me dream some more!
sanders sound systems
10c speakers . pre & 2 power amps , external crossover
active system with 1,800wpc
stunning system , just installed last month
better than systems i have heard at ten times the price