Here's my accumulation of parts, some bought, mostly scrounged for free and restored/improved with new/superior parts.
Bedroom system:
A TNT style flexi rack is coming eventually, i just haven't got around to buying the parts to make it.
Luxman L-220 integrated amp - Rescued from a work clearout, heavily upgraded it when i restored it back in spring
Marantz CD-56 - My TDA1541 player, bought new by my dad, minor modifcations
Philips CD930 - My bitstream player, new capacitors
The old sony vaio mp3 player doesn't tend to get used, just lives there.
Home made speakers built on the Kef Chorale design using old goodmans cabinets. (Kef B200 SP1063 woofers and SEAS 22TFF tweeters with an adapted falcon 37K crossover) They are sat on atacama SL400 stands. In serious need of new grille cloth.
Thorens TD160B with SME 3009 S2 improved arm & Shure M75ED T2 cartridge with Jico SAS stylus - owned from new, waiting for me to find and buy a new stylus for the AT-30E MC cartridge i have stored away.
Living room system.
Leak 2200 amplifier - All bought new in 70's by my dad
Leak delta AM.FM tuner
Marantz 5420 cassette deck
Quad 240 poweramp - took this shot when i tested it using one of my headunits as the preamp. Rescued from a work clear out.
Celestion ditton 25 - bought new in the 70's by my dad. (painted by my mum at least the grille cloth is matching white) Picture taken during my restoration, usually sit on small spikes.
Luxman PD-210 with Linn K9 cartridge - not a particularly good example of the brand, not awful, merely average.