Was thinking of getting a sim free Lumia 920 from Clove.co.uk.
Says in the FAQ section at clove that these are totally sim free.
I'm on a 12month sim deal with Vodafone until March, then might change to Three. Do you think my sim will work with these phones? If it did should I anticipate any other issues?
£520 Only available in black or white. Due this week
Was hoping if more will become available sim free from other suppliers before Christmas. Do you think £520 is good price or are they likely to come down as more become available?? Would hate for them to drop £100 once the stupid EE exclusive ends.
Was just about to say that- I think these will plumit in price. Not sure when but I think it will happen. I don't think it's worth 520. I reckon after Xmas there will be some decent sum free prices going about!
For Sim Free prices to plummit there needs to be an abundant supply of 920s,which, given the current universal shortage of phones, and the backlog of demand, I doubt will be any time soon.
So in a matter of weeks... The 920 has went from £520 to £360... One the unlocked handsets roll out... It will be the same price change I reckon... They won't hold their value at all.
I believe the EE price for it's locked 920 is £399.
As for the unlock code being available soon, we shall have to wait and see if, and when, it is successfully utilised.