That's strange, they've always said there's no force feedback drivers for Windows. I have a mate that's been trying for months to get it working and he hasn't been able to. I may ask him if I can borrow it to try it out.
Are you using the official xbox wheel?
Thanks to all for the information.....I have got the bug now for iRacing after looking at loads of footage!!!! What sort of spec PC do I need to buy to run iRacing with a kick ass frame rate and incredible graphics?? I'm using a projector (VGA) with a 6ft x 4ft screen!
iRacing is reasonably scaleable and well optimised compared to rFactor 2 and the AC tech preview. Understandable given that they are still pre-release.
What resolution is the projector 1080p or 720p ? One thing to bear in mind is input lag on projectors - tend to be much higher than a PC monitor. I have a JVC HD350 - fantastic projector for films but input lag is higher than most.
I run triple screens with resolution of 6000x1080 and it runs lovely capped at 129 frames. [email protected] and an AMD 6990.
A projector is "just" a single screen at 1920x1080 or 1280x720 so will not require too much grunt. Any modern PC with mid range graphics card will be fine.
Got these to replace my DFGT pedals, what with them being and all
It's so nice being able to brake without locking up all over the shop. Modulating the throttle is a lot easier as well. Only got a quick go last night but I'm really impressed. They are one solid piece of equipment.