Loving this. About 3-4 hrs in and it's very good. The picture mechanic is a great feature and I keep forgetting about it when I get stumped...
Not to dissimilar to the original (obviously) but, that's no bad thing. Link to the Past was my favourite Zelda by far as it was the first truly epic game I ever played. What I would say is that the map feels very small today and whether that is because most of today's RPG's are so big, I don't know. It just doesn't feel as big as it used to. Not that it matters because the gameplay is still there and if memory serves, this is one long game to finish.
I think it was either Spirit Tracks or Phantom Hourglass. You had to use the stylus to draw symbols on screen to activate magic doors and other stuff. It was a pain imo, but not as much of a pain as the timed Dungeon..... |