17 hours played and level 23 now. Managed to bag some of my angler challenges getting what was needed in the lava cave. Only a few more needed to raise rank on that. I'm an expert level as a blacksmith but need quite a bit of gold to forge my next set of items. Got around 25000 dosh. Got loads of items I could sell but I'm going to store them in my house as I know they're gonna be used in my other trades.
Was finding it hard to find some of the materials needed to complete some of the nice outfits as a tailor so swapped to a hunter. Up to level 10 at last. But some of those plains dwelling critters are reet scary!
Yeah some weird stuff comes out at night. Not been on this for a few days due to the Xbox getting some time. I have it all planned out what I'm doing next though. I need to go to port Puerto and get some more of the fish there to chalk off the angler adept challenges. I've also gathered more materials to get my blacksmith nearly up to master. Ideally I want to max both these lives before I select another. Think I might go woodcutter next.
My save file didn't copy over from my old 3DS so I'm starting again. Had a few hours as a wood cutter, might try the carpenter later. I love this game, the music and graphics have a bit of a Little King's Story feel to it.
Almost done it via pc, but thought I'd try wireless. It'll definitely be pc route in the future for me, it takes so damn long.... love seeing the pikmin moving the stuff across though
Yeah it only took me 10 mins to do the system transfer.
Thought I'd break the new XL in with a couple of hours on this tonight. Still a fisherman and blacksmith but I'm not that far off mastery on each. Lvl 25 overall and I'd guess I'll be lvl 30 once these are mastered with 10 lives still to try. Nice steady pace upto the first level cap of 100