Grabbed this as a download from game with some of my gift card balance. I'm not letting the wife know I got it yet.... the icon for it has been moved all the way over to the right
Starting out as a hunter called 'Biccy', though he looks a but stoned
8 hours in now. Swapped my Fisherman trade for a blacksmith. Good dosh making trade that but you need to have the dosh to buy the materials you need. I can start to see how the trades tie in with each other. For example as a blacksmith you have to buy oak and pine beams so I assume if I become a woodcutter I will chop down the relevant trees and then become a carpenter to make the beams.
Had every intention of just having an hour on this last night which turned into 4 hours. Can't remember the last time I spent that long on a game in one sitting. Need to have a break from it today and play some other games lol.