Everyone seems to be doing well, best check out the last thread seeing as it's that long since I've been about (I've actually got a life now.. ha)
In other news, I spent the whole weekend at Oulton Park for my bro's Stag Do, I am best man and I've got another weekender coming up in two weeks for another wedding where I'm best man...
Only problem is that the last speech I did for a best mans speech I pulled out all the stops and I can't go on repeating myself, I'd ask for tips but I know the usual ones you'd spit out Robbie.
Am I the only person being driven both crazy and a little bit to trolling by the absolute toolbags on the XBone forum who appear to be employed by Sony? Gaaargh, it's infuriating!
The old '3 things the bride needs to remember' springs to mind
Also had an Irish friend who got married, her dad did a whole bit about the traditional way the Irish trade horses (referring to his daughter). Ended up with him pretending to spit on his hand, shaking hands with the groom & telling him he had 2 weeks after which he couldn't return her.
The old ones are deffo the best, but it's finding the old ones which aint too common nowadays. I've cringed too many times myself from hearing them
Froggy, did get your message the other day dude, that's what gave me nudge to check out how all you guys were I didn't get your calculation above, until I read it again
Is anyone playing any COD anymore, I'm into Blops 2 (play at silly times when hardly anyones about) because that's the only one I have where I am at the mo but thinking of picking up a few more games to see me through until One, but can't be bothered picking em all up so maybe just my MW2