Have a go at following the Pete Plan Beginner Training, it mixes up the exercises to keep it interesting and builds stamina and strength.
The damper settings on a rower are similar to bike gears, don't confuse damper setting with intensity level or resistance as they are not the same thing. Rowing on 8 for 5k is not "harder" than rowing it on 3 or 4.
At a damper setting of 1–4, the rower is meant to feel like a sleek racing shell, at the higher numbers the indoor feels like a slow row boat. Regardless of the setting, you will need to increase your effort to increase your intensity.
Making a sleek boat go fast requires you to apply your force more quickly. Making the slow boat go fast also requires more force, but the speed at which you apply the force will be slower over the course of the rowing stroke.
The best setting to use depends on the stroke rate you want to row at. Ideally you want to pull your next row at full power, timed to just catch the wheel as it's slowing. I have mine set around 4, but dust can build up over time inside the fans which you either need to clean out or adjust the setting to accommodate.  |