Do you have access to a swimming pool? I'd recomend swimming for everyone. Here's some reason why.
1)it's low impact. I could get in the pool and swim five miles, then get out and rest for 15 mins and feel like I've done nothing. Try running five miles if you're not already a very good runner, when you wake up the next morning, you'll feel like someone droped a bowling ball on your foot and sledge hammered your knee. The more you weigh, the worse it is.
2)body weight is irrelevant. No matter how much you weigh or how unfit you, anyone can do it.
3)you will I prove fast if you swim at least four days a week for at least 30 mins. No matter how unfit you are, don't be surprised if with 8 weeks swimming five times a week, that you go from onky doing half a mile at most breaststroke in one hour, to being able to do one mile is 30-25 mins. This assuming you don't smoke and you constantly push yourself to go harder/faster.
4)it's a full body muscular work. You will use muscles you didn't know existed.
5)it's good for joint mobility
6) it lowers your stress levels and makes you feel great.The harder you swim, the more effect you get.
I could go on but I wont. The main benefit is the quick improvement and easy recovery. Take running, if you're totally unit an can only cover a mile in say 30 mins, at your weight you probably only burn 100 cals doing so. It'd probabky take you from that point about 5 years of running to get to a point where you could burn 1000 cals through running.
With swimming in your first session you might make half a mile in 30 mins and that'd only burn 250 cals, but in three months you'd probably be able to get in the pool and swim two miles non stop in under an hour burning 1000 cals np. So if you have access to a pool, go swimming all five of you low cals days.
To get a rough idea of how many cals you burn swimming multiply your body weight In pounds by 2.7. That'll will tell you how many calories you burn per mile approximately. So if you swim half a mile it's 2.7 x body weight / 2. Etc those figures are roughly for breatstroke and front crawl. Swim a mile in 20 mins or 1 hour, it doesn't matter, you'll burn the same cals roughly. At higher intensities you burn slightly more due to increased after burn and raised body temps, but it's negligible.
If 1000 is too much to burn, knock off another 500 from food on low days, then only burn 400 cals etc. In terms of doing cardio specifically for fat loss, all the cardio is doing doing is burning cals, well eating less will have the same results, you just won't get the other benefits etc. So you can really tailor it your needs/activity levels. So you can start eating less and doing less, but as you improve and you will fast, just start doing more and eating more
Don't worry about target heartRate either. There's a myth that high intensity cardio burns muscle. It doesn't. Bad diet burns muscle. Remember up there I told muscles are made up of mainly stored carbs and water? Well high intensity cardio burns carbs, so if you don't constantly replace those carbs you burn your muscles will shrink.
Just make sure you eat 200 grams of complex carbs everyday and 300 grams on high cal day and this won't happen. Eat lots of things like rice, pastas, jacket potatoes, beans and oats etc. Oats are the best, mix 4scoops of oats, with milk, a scoop of chocolate protein powder and a bit of orange essence stuff. Chocolate orange flavoured oats, who says healthy eating has to taste crap? 
If you want help with your diet pm me, I'll do a whole diet plan for you in which you can eat your fave take aways twice a week. if you don't mind cooking I'll supply all the recipes to make stuff from scratch yourself |