1st March, still carrying the knee injury from being knocked off my bike I was 107kg.
Current weight as of yesterday using a BodiTrax machine I am 96.3 kg.
I count my calories for one, which I think is a massive thing to help lose weight, but still drink beers most nights . This is done with an iOS app MyFitnessPal, which also links to my garmin connect account.
I basically smashed heck out of the wattbike at the gym and started very light treadmill running as I can not take road impact running outside. Still do cycle outside though. One day off sometimes two.
Love swimming, always have and generally swim twice per week around 1.5-2 miles each time.
Treadmill run Wednesday 10k in 49mins & did 13.1 miles ( half marathon ) last night in 1hr 40.
It may take you a little longer, but it's possible. It really depends on much effort you are willing to put in.
I almost fell over on the treadmill when I got off it!!
All that said, I was fit before the accident so may have been a bit quicker for me. |