From your first link:
Tom Sanders, a professor of nutrition at King's College London, said the research did show some differences. "But the question is are they within natural variation? And are they nutritionally relevant? I am not convinced." He said Leifert's work had caused controversy in the past. "Leifert has had a lot of aggro with a lot of people. He is oversexing [this report] a bit." Sanders added the research showed organic cereals have less protein than conventional crops.
From your second "balanced" link:
What If Everything You Think You Know About Health and Nutrition Is Fatally Flawed?
My latest best-selling book, "Fat for Fuel," discussed important strategies that are simply too important for your health and well-being to ignore. I recently partnered with Hay House to create an online course that expands on the strategies and techniques in my book. In this course you will receive:
Seven comprehensive lessons to teach you the keys to combating chronic disease, managing cancer and optimizing your healthA vastly new look at nutrition — merging decades of my research with the latest cellular health scienceWorksheets and readings that will help you apply the incredible health benefits of this programMeal planning resources and enticing recipes, with guidelines on how to tailor the program to your unique physiologyLoads of extra content on additional actions you can take to boost your cellular health that aren't diet-relatedStart the Online Course Now

Pardon my scepticism  |