There is not sufficient evidence in medical literature to support claims that organic food is safer or healthier than conventionally grown food
to me, organic hit upon a desire prevalent in the late 90s by the public to improve health and diet and somehow permanently attached itself to this. People automatically associate organic with superior, just as they do with anything natural. I generally offer a cocktail of arsenic and hydrogen cyanide to anyone who subscribes to the latter
what frustrates me is the resistance to GM, a modern marvel from a scientific perspective. sidenote: the greens blocked science funding at EU level due to their stance on GM foods. slow hand clap as they rely on scientists to fight their major battle, climate change 
personally, I believe it's a load of nonsense and there are far better things you can do for health reasons. very few people are going to eat exclusively organic food, so you'd find better results with eating normal fruit/veg and making alterations elsewhere - processed food and meat being the ones to target. having a portion of non-organic quinoa with non-organic corn and normal peas is FAR better than nipping in to KFC.
having 5 organic portions a day is almost identical to having 5 conventional portions a day.
Based on the issue raised in cowspiracy (namely public health information shies away from telling people to cut down meat, cos no-one wants to be that guy), I believe that if people knew the true scientific benefits of cutting out/reducing either meat or processed food and compared it to organic food, the entire basis for the industry would collapse. The industry itself wouldn't collapse, because I've found out that far too many people trust feelings over science, and many of them populate the aisles of wholefoods |