Did you end up buying new? Which heart rate monitor do you use? I found the elliptical trainer to strange, but used to enjoy the rowing machine when I did venture to a gym as it seems more natural. I'm looking for used at the moment but there's not a great deal of difference unless I go for an older model.
I bought new. I get a bit of discount from Argos & there was a decent Top Cashback offer as well. I got fed up with trawling EBay/Gumtree as anything worth having was either at the other end of the country or overpriced. I’d be wary of monitor failure on an older monitor as a fair few seem to be listed with faults.
I've been using the rower (concept 2) at the gym as a warm up recently and I'm really enjoying it! As it's a warm up I just do 15mins and try to keep my heart rate at 120 BPM.
Its a struggle because I want to go faster and pull harder and 120bpm feels like I'm purposely going slowly with little effort. It is also an average of 29 strokes per minute.
I also really enjoy doing sprints like HIIT training.
I have it always set to 10 on the dial, but I don't know what it means... Can anyone explain it?
By contrast I have to stay around 20s/m & hit 90% of my maximum inside 5 minutes, so have to manage the s/m & intensity of pull for the remainder. I think to keep to 120 bpm I'd have to limit myself to just sitting on it!
My resting heart rate is 59/60bpm so using the guide of 220-your age (41) to give the man bpm, my Mac is 181bpm
But 120bpm I can hit with a sustained brisk walk.
If I go for a fast row with 90% bpm then I'll average 35/36 s/m.
Also, try towing at different stroke speeds. You height will affect where your sweet spot is. In general, taller equals less spm. I'm 186cm tall and am normally around 24-26 spm for rows of 2km and over.
I'm 172cm tall
Just did 15mins on setting 4 (that you for that article, that filled a gap!). According to the concept 2, it was 153 cal although I've no idea how it knows how hard I was or wasn't working and what I weigh etc etc. Average of 37s/m and 2875m.
On setting 10 that would be 3000m so that corresponds with the article.
And in case of doubt, I took some pics of the display..
Anyway, that was my warm up, now I'm off for my circuit training HIIT style...
Looks like a good workout! Over the next few weeks try to get your pace below 2:00/500m with a stroke rate below 30 spm. Think of the movements as a deadlift or clean. Explosive power as you pull, come back slowly.