Sat 16/12/17
Another member of the month WOD, this time titled "Deadlift Sandwich"... 
Three part WOD with a 30 minute time cap, working in pairs, consisting of:
1) Six rounds for time:
Complex - A: 60kg / B: 50kg / C: 40kg
3 x Squat Clean
3 x Push Jerk
3 x Back Squat
3 x Push Press
1 person does the complex whilst the other does a 200m row then swap, basically you each do the complex three times and each row 3 x 200m
2 min rest
2) 60 x Deadlifts - A: 120kg / B: 100kg / C: 80kg (we split these into sets of 5 so 6 sets of 5 reps each)
2 min rest
3) 3 rounds for time - You go, I go. (we split these into sets of 5 each)
20 x Pull Ups
20 x Press Ups
20 x Toes to bar
20 x Box over Burpees
4 x Rope Climbs
200m row whilst the other does 40 DU's or 80 singles.
This was an absolute killer!! Just one of the sections on it's own would've been a tough workout but everything together was an absolute monster! Especially with 30 x deadlifts each at 100kgs.
We were actually doing ok until it got to the rope climbs but that just screwed us. I'd practised them on Thursday and got up the rope no problem but attempting to do that after so much work already, including deads, rowing, pull ups, etc was just a totally different story. I just couldn't get my footing right and ended up just trying to pull myself up just with my arms! That just completely drained me and in the end my partner had to do the four climbs for us which then ended up just absolutely knackered him too. We still almost finished it within the time cap but those climbs really did hit us hard 
This was probably the worst workout I've done for absolutely flooring you and for the after effects. My biceps, triceps and shoulders arms were on fire and I was physically shaking for a couple of hours afterwards, it actually felt like I was in shock! Trying to drive home was a fun experience I had to ring the Mrs and get her to run me a bath so I could just get some heat to my muscles and try and help with the recovery. In a word, horrific  |