quick question here... 
going back to the section 3 -
'3. Keep it specific.
If you want to get big then use at least 60% of your 1 rep max 6-12 reps, 2-4 sets and a max of the 3 exercises per body part/body movement, 45 – 90 sec rest. If you want to get strong then use 60-100% of you 1 rep max for 2-5 reps, 4-5 sets and perhaps only one exercise per body movement (squat, deadlift, press), 2 – 5 mins rest. If you want endurance then use 10-59% of your 1 rep max for 12-20 reps, 4-6 sets per body movement, 30-45s rest. If you want to increase cardio output then run/walk/cycle etc at at least 70% max heart rate. Train 3 times a week and add weight to the bar/distance/speed at least once a fortnight, ideally once a week on each movement/exercise.
If you work outside of these common rules/principles then you are most likely not maximising your gains (see No 1). Doing that final set of dumbbell curls with 6kgs after you have already lifted 18 kgs is not going to help you, its just cardio and a waste of energy. Checking your Facebook status between every set or sending a text as your “rest” is not going to help anyone. Plan and time your rests intervals properly and execute them consistently.'
is there a way to mix both concepts together (i.e. get stronger, and bigger) whether it be in a same week (i.e. some days 5x5, then some other days 3x8?) or even same day?
as my current routine is basically a monday - I'll do pushing - benchpress starting off with a 5x5 then as I raise the bench (to night on it's highest) I'm using a lower weight - doing more reps, but by then using my shoulders more anyway...then I'll do some tricep work
tuesday is my pull routine - where I'll start off doing cable rows (3x10) as I'm the max weight anyway, then dumbbel rows 3x8, then lat pull downs 5x5, then deadlifts aim for 5x5, then I'll work on my biceps which is typically 3x8, then finished off doi ng some farmers walk and hanging from the pullup bars until I couldn't hang on anymore (typically 4-5x15-20 seconds)
wednesday is leg day...I'll normally start off doing 5x5 squats, then leg press (tho, I had to wait last night - so opted to do leg curls first) and did 3x10, then 3x10 on the leg press (which gave me a great pump). then some calve work, and finished doing some hamgstring curls and a 5 minute run on the treadmill
then on a friday night I normally do a kettlercise and metafit class back to back...
I used to do a bootcamp of a saturday morning which was a killer and this would consist of something like -
warmups of -
50 crunches
40 squat thrusts
30 side sit ups
20 burpees
10 scissors
20 burpees
30 side sit ups
40 squat thrusts
50 crunches
the 21 times kettlebell (12kg) of - x 3
kettlebell swings
left hand snatch
right hand snatch
sit ups
run around 1/2 football pitch
same again but 14 x 3
same again 7 x 3
then 7 minute burpee challenge (~55 in total)...
but I do miss that class  |