Okay, when I said 10 Kwh I actually meant that plus all my other devices on standby, so not strictly true. But the majority of that 10 Kwh is from the boiler. It's not a immersion heater so can't be that.
I've signed up to British Gas Energy Smart so hopefully that will help.
I almost daren't tell you how much electricity we use in 24 hrs...50Kwh! But let me qualify that by stating we have underfloor heating in half the house, have 2 kids so someone is in all day, every day and we haven't got around to changing the GU10 bulbs yet. We have 30 downlighters all 50w.
We've just got a stupid electricity bill, hence our little mission to find the culprit!
I'd love any advise (no, we can't move house!).
Thanks |